Bad Catholic Mutha’

published by Fran Shea

They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother SHUT YOUR MOUTH!  I’m talkin’ ’bout Shaft. THEN WE CAN DIG IT! 

Brrrrrrrr. Um, brrrrrrrrr. Something (snow) tells me summer is over. I had a VERY busy weekend, there was Kelly Clarkson, then a bunch of stuff, then Don Draper. Oh, yes – I managed to squeeze in a design/letterpress project.

Some Bad Catholic Mothers of OLG (hardcore acronym: Our Lady of Grace) asked me to design a book cover for their Tell-All Confessional. Thanks to Boxcar for their perfect plate and thanks to all you Bad Catholic Muthas out there for your indiscretion and moral ambiguity.

0 thoughts on “Bad Catholic Mutha’”

  1. Hey Fran Fans:

    Just to clarify: Katie and I are the editors/authors of Bad Catholic Mothers. It is NOT an OLG affiliated project. We happen to be OLG moms (and some of our contributors are). But we have contributors of all ages from many different locations.

    Katie and I just wanted to be sure that we don’t ever present it as an kind of church project (or archdiocese or whatever). Again, this is the independent project of two humor writers who are self-publishing through iuniverse. And Fran has brought the whole thing to life with her amazing cover.

    Lucia Paul

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