Posts in photoshop

Killing Several Birds With Two Seahorses

published by Fran Shea

 I am all about efficiency. It’s one of the (two) things people love about me. If I can’t multi-task my way through a problem, it’s better left to a pre-schooler. I always say.

Yes, it’s an enviable quality; I can think about any number of things while I work on something else.

The neighbor that flipped me off called me the other night. She wanted to accuse my kids of egging her car. I told her that I egged her car. She couldn’t hear my confession because she was too busy talking about someone stealing Bounty Paper Towels from her backseat.

I thought about my conversation with her while I worked on some seahorses in photoshop. Here’s the thing/a little secret: Not every image comes to us as a perfect little mounted printer’s block. printers-blocks

There are some that need finessing:photoshop-examplesI’m sure you knew that.

I feel like I have to apologize for the latest card.

I’m sorry.

Here it is, sss(sorry so sappy)i-love-us-seahorses