Posts in Nobel Prize

Will I win the Nobel Peace Prize?

published by Fran Shea

Maybe. Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t broker peace between nations. I’m no Dalai Lama. I’m no Barack Obama. I’m just kidding about that second one  –  I just wanted something to rhyme with Dalai Lama. Wait, what? Barack Obama really did win the Nobel Peace Prize? Oops. My bad. It’s hard, toiling away, day after day – trying to make this crazy planet just a little bit cheerier. Ghandi knows how I feel.


Alfred “Alfie” Nobel

What would Fran do?


 ANYWAY. I wrote some new cards. Perhaps, one day, they will bring peace to war-torn countries…

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PSST, is this my birthday party or my funeral

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The gifts don’t count       themselves.


The strong would survive the winter. The weak would, of course, be eaten.


I’m Christmas Stalking you.

The Christmas concert would be her chance for revenge.



I’ll celebrate Christmas however I damn well please.



I hope she likes thoughts that count.



Thank you for your support.


Great. My parents just got home.
