Posts in new letterpress cards
Will I win the Nobel Peace Prize?
published by Fran SheaMaybe. Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t broker peace between nations. I’m no Dalai Lama. I’m no Barack Obama. I’m just kidding about that second one – I just wanted something to rhyme with Dalai Lama. Wait, what? Barack Obama really did win the Nobel Peace Prize? Oops. My bad. It’s hard, toiling away, day after day – trying to make this crazy planet just a little bit cheerier. Ghandi knows how I feel.
Alfred “Alfie” Nobel
What would Fran do?
ANYWAY. I wrote some new cards. Perhaps, one day, they will bring peace to war-torn countries…
PSST, is this my birthday party or my funeral
The Christmas concert would be her chance for revenge.
I’ll celebrate Christmas however I damn well please.
I hope she likes thoughts that count.
Great. My parents just got home.