Posts in design & letterpress

Cary Grant’s Tie, A Pile of Rocks, Dandelions

published by Fran Shea

Cary Grant’s tie is the perfect shade of gray.cary-grant-nxnw-450x327

It’s not like I’m obsessed with shades of gray because of this project I’m working on. I don’t get obsessed. I wasn’t obsessed with pulling out (and counting) all of the dandelions in my front yard (689). I wasn’t. I also wasn’t obsessed with collecting and transporting rocks halfway across the country to surround my little tree.rock-star-450x337

I’m not obsessed with letterpress.

And I don’t just sit around waiting for the sun to be in the perfect spot.sun-perfectly-behind-lampos

Doesn’t this gray look just like Cary Grant’s tie? :room-and-board-fresh-print

WELL?! It does, doesn’t it. Won’t it look lovely decking the halls of Room and Board?


1/3 of the project done.