Posts in New Cards
More about our snowy landscape
published by Fran SheaThis is what comes of my unwillingness to fold the laundry – I just stare out the window (of my asylum) and think and write inappropriate things. Shouldn’t the children in my imagination be allowed to have one wholesome snowball fight?
Go with what you know
published by Fran SheaMaybe I’m not so good at “folding cards” or “doing what I’m told.” Maybe Jen is just better at those things because she’s part robot. One of these days she’ll malfunction and I’ll have to jump-start her with a car battery. Let’s see who’s laughing then.
After I inserted 200 of the wrong-colored envelope in with this card,
I did a lot of soul searching. And with a little help from Ms. Jerri Blank and Mr. Jellineck, I remembered that not everyone can be good at everything.
I headed right out to the shop and made this card:
What a day!
An Octopus and Other Digressions
published by Fran SheaWe outbid everybody (nobody) on ebay and won a hotplate for 99¢. It’s for the JSTKinstructional film that is, as they say, in production. Meaning, we haven’t started yet.
We tried it out, it works, and has two settings: “off” and “burn the house down.” I can’t wait to shoot!
Jen has been printing and pulling decks together for all of our new reps and I have been thinking a lot about the ocean. I’ve never seen the ocean in Winter. So, that’s a lot to think about.
Here’s a new card I made to go with all that thinking:
Let’s do this.
published by Fran SheaThat’s what Lucy said in her sleep last night. I thought Millie the Dog said it but I was wrong. It was (disappointingly) just Lucy.
I couldn’t sleep and made this:
How about some new cards?
published by Fran SheaIt’s important to name things. My middle toes, my water bottle and all of my hypothetical tumors have names. I got to use my naming skills this week to name a real product for a real company. I’ll pose (nude) next to the product when it hits the Apple Store shelves. I think that’s what PR people mean by “changing the conversation.” We’ll find out.
Meanwhile, Fred was busy photographing our latest letterpress cards. If you like unicorns, (who doesn’t?) I have just the card for you. Also, if you like men carrying baby elephants or know someone that is grieving the loss of a cat, you will be satisfied.
Snap, snap!! Take me to the shop!!
A Mother’s Day card?
published by Fran SheaI have no idea (yes, I do) why I felt compelled to write this card. I should be thinking about scarecrows and bobbing for apples and burning witches at the stake. Anyway, here’s a Mother’s Day card – look for it in our shop and at these fine stores in the Springtime. Just to give a little behind the scenes action, here’s what it looks like when I set all of that pesky type:
we come not to offend But with good will
published by Fran SheaDon’t you hate when people quote Shakespeare?
I wrote/designed a new card this morning. Actually, I wrote it while I was sitting in church. Don’t judge me.
Thank you, Owl!
published by Fran SheaWhat a lucky day I’ve had! While on a Nature Hike* we discovered something remarkable: A squishy mass of hair and bones that was once inside of an actual owl!
Oh, Mother Nature, you are so full of treasure! Dissecting this was like a dream come true.
Teeth and a beak?! Yum! After using two sticks to pull apart the wad of regurgitation, I felt like writing a card. Woot, indeed.
*Hahaha, Andrea! I Uppercased it!
Some New Cards and Some Other Things
published by Fran SheaKatie Dohman, style editor for Minnesota Monthly, made a special guest appearance in the shop. She was just delightful and for that she got one of these:

Overdue Cat, a new letterpress greeting card and a little bit about the weather
published by Fran SheaWell, Susie hasn’t had her kittens yet – and like every other overdue/expecting mother – she is watching Oprah and eating tubs of Ben & Jerry’s.
Meanwhile, I biked through the Heat™
to bring Fred a card so he could photograph it. It isn’t any ordinary card – it is the card to introduce our new website.
Aren’t you intrigued?? It must say something sweet – just look at that cute little bellhop! I’ve been waiting to use him for a long time – thanks, cute little bellhop!