Posts in Letterpress
Would You Rather?/No-Coast Craft-O-Rama
published by Fran SheaWould you rather have your significant other’s hands be replaced with Flounders OR your lips be replaced with a duckbill?
That’s a toughy.
How about: Would you rather have to wear a Kiss the Cook apron everyday (for the rest of your life) OR a multi-colored clown wig?
Sorry about that.
Okay, would you rather do your holiday shopping at the Midtown Market – where there will be 100 venders, vending beautiful/original handmade goodness – the air filled with the smells of exotic foods and the spirit of gift-giving??? OR maybe you’d rather sit at your computer and click on an Add To Cart button??
We’ll see you there! Zeichen Press is at table E-35!
Parking Ticket + Grocery List + Popular Mechanics
published by Fran SheaWho put that stupid flyer on my windshield?
Not a flyer! ! A parking ticket??
My first!
What a special day.
I won’t even dispute it.
AFTER THAT HAPPENED, I made this “grocery” list:
AND THEN, I got an email from a writer at Popular Mechanics.
Stifle your laughter. He’s putting together a story about businesses that started as hobbies. Now I have to pretend that I actually enjoyed letterpress as some sort of “hobby” before it turned into this soul-sucking-money-generating-machine.
Trading letterpress cards for cash
published by Fran SheaThe Big No-Coast show is only 5 days away.To prepare ourselves, Jen and I are watching hour after hour of training videos. We have found that the only way we can really get into the spirit of a craft show is with a Dolly Parton soundtrack. But I’m sure that’s true for everyone.
How about some new cards?
published by Fran SheaIt’s important to name things. My middle toes, my water bottle and all of my hypothetical tumors have names. I got to use my naming skills this week to name a real product for a real company. I’ll pose (nude) next to the product when it hits the Apple Store shelves. I think that’s what PR people mean by “changing the conversation.” We’ll find out.
Meanwhile, Fred was busy photographing our latest letterpress cards. If you like unicorns, (who doesn’t?) I have just the card for you. Also, if you like men carrying baby elephants or know someone that is grieving the loss of a cat, you will be satisfied.
Snap, snap!! Take me to the shop!!
Top Secret Project
published by Fran SheaPeople that talk about Top Secret Projects are usually insane. Anyway, I’m working on something BIG. This will change the way everyone does everything. Not really. I can’t really say much more EXCEPT it rhymes with slap AND it’ll be used on a communication device. But have I said too much??
Here, just watch the video and forget everything I just told you:
Dusty, water-colored memories
published by Fran SheaThank God for A&E’s latest voyeur-drama Hoarders. THANK GOD. Do these people not understand that those television cameras mean that they are going to be on television? Were they told that this would be the only way they could get help? Mary Lynn, this garbage can’t be shoveled out of the house unless we broadcast your story to millions of people. And Mary Lynn (who has been using adult diapers for two years because she can’t find her toilet) immediately gives in. I would, too.
So, in the spirit of Hoarders, I’m de-cluttering my computer. Why would I have eight copies of Michael Jackson’s Thriller?
Look at this old press release I found!:
A Mother’s Day card?
published by Fran SheaI have no idea (yes, I do) why I felt compelled to write this card. I should be thinking about scarecrows and bobbing for apples and burning witches at the stake. Anyway, here’s a Mother’s Day card – look for it in our shop and at these fine stores in the Springtime. Just to give a little behind the scenes action, here’s what it looks like when I set all of that pesky type:
Letterpress studio in Minneapolis meets Apartment Therapy in New York, the Streets Run With Blood
published by Fran SheaWhere was Apartment Therapy when I lived in an apartment?? I could have used some advice — My television sat on two empty Old Milwaukee cases and the only chair was my bed. I guess my source of income (cat breeding, just kidding. Grocery bagging. Just kidding. Stripping.) didn’t really provide a lot of extra money for decorating anyway. See “Tater Tots, Kings Wine Bar, Letterpress, Deer John”
Every year, Apartment Therapy branches out of their usual home decorating palette to recognize “the best” letterpress cards. This year, we made the cut. I’d like to thank all of the families that send out those creepy holiday newsletters – you are an inspiration. You know who you are.
we come not to offend But with good will
published by Fran SheaDon’t you hate when people quote Shakespeare?
I wrote/designed a new card this morning. Actually, I wrote it while I was sitting in church. Don’t judge me.
Letterpress in the heart of the beast
published by Fran SheaThe car was packed and I squeezed myself between a card rack, a change box, some stuffed animals and one dozen boxes. I was just lucky there was room for me at all. Okay? OKAY?
Jen and I have gotten pretty good at setting up for a show. It goes like this: I ask Jen which cards I should put where. She tells me. I do it. She dismantles what I did and does it a different way. It’s very efficient.
All the big names (in printmaking) were at MCBA on Thursday for the Mid America Print Council Conference Press Fair. Jenni Undis (of Lunalux) and I put on our roller skates and got into a battle – it ended with lots of hair-pulling and some teeth (hers) on the floor. It was worth it because I earned the title of “Letterpress Queen.” Maybe next year, Jenni. Maybe next year.
A fair wouldn’t be complete without, at least, one doppelganger:
What a pleasant stalker!
OH, ALSO: Miss Amy Jo was there! Good Lord, her work makes me love her. I’m sorry you had to hear that, Miss Amy Jo.