Posts in Birthday
Franmas Eve!!
published by Fran SheaAww! Look at our deck covered in Millie and sunshine!
Spring is here!
Wait… what is that falling from the sky??
Oh, Minnesota… YOU TRICKSTER! You get me every year!
I tried to escape Minnesota’s clutches for one of my birthdays years ago… The cabin-pressure reminded my uterine lining that it should exit via my lady-parts posthaste. As I tied a sweatshirt around my waist, I reminded myself that I should have known better.
But that cake though!!
published by Fran SheaSomething happened last weekend
and I’m pretty sure it involved the best cake and the best catering in Minneapolis! (Thanks Zeichen Press!)
*Hint: She consented.
The festivities inspired so many things! One of them was this card:
Now I’m busy watching Leaving Neverland because I need to balance all of the goodness of last weekend with something creepy! (Thanks pop-culture!)
Auf Wiedersehen 2018!
published by Fran SheaWe’ve all seen this before but it still makes me laugh SO JUST WATCH IT.
There are big, some might say HUGE, things I am secretly planning for 2019.
They might involve World Domination. THEY MIGHT NOT.
FRENZY (Franzy??)
published by Fran SheaSure, sometimes my brother teased me via original acronym:
The past week was spent admiring my own biceps and preparing designs for the Fall Release. It’s been a DESIGN FRENZY. 18 cards added… New designs tweaked,
and old designs nipped and tucked and ready to hit the clubs.
PS: That first Mother’s Day card isn’t a confession because there is nothing like that to confess.
Merry Jenmas everyone!!
published by Fran SheaSunset on the Cape SANS Jen… WISH YOU WERE HERE!But she’s probably pulling orders and thinking of me just like Fievel in American Tail.
Oh, but I DID wipe my tears long enough to make her a birthday card!
Silly business men! Just ask your secretary to figure out that stuff!
published by Fran SheaMaybe because I haven’t showered in so long (STAY BACK, BOYS) or maybe because… OMG… I HAVE TO WRITE A BLOG POST QUICK-LIKE.
I’ve been sorting through old newspapers (provided by the Intern) and scanning graphics that SPEAK TO ME.
published by Fran SheaHide-n-seek is the best game! One time I hid in my bedroom closet for hours – my siblings said they tried super hard to find me and finally started watching tv hoping I’d come out, and of course didn’t forget about me.
Tib also loves to play hide-n-seek! She puts her head down and counts (in her head) while I hide. I ALWAYS WIN! See?? I’m really good. Between games, I make cards for RSVP (because they pay us The Big Bucks to license the Art)
and squeeze in designing a few cards for our own line, THAT DEFY ANY CATEGORY.
So Many Curiosities!
published by Fran SheaThere were no coats to push aside, no snow, no Mr. Tumnus, no White Witch… Just a regular bedroom door, a heated terrazzo floor, twin sinks, and His and Hers glass cups ready for dentures. My Grandparent’s bedroom was entered by Invitation Only and was filled with so many curiosities… I remember asking my Grandma if she loved raspberries as much as I did and she told me she couldn’t eat them because the tiny seeds got stuck in her dentures… I felt like that was the saddest thing I had ever heard and that she was truly a martyr.
Here she is with all her own teeth:
It’s a good thing my Grandpa had his pens with him because you just never know.
The old newspapers the Intern gave me are a treasure-trove of graphics
and full of hard-hitting local stories…
Whaaat?? Mr. Therien never used his sick leave??
Life IS Sweet
published by Fran SheaI am still focused on birthday cards every day but
I make time to obsessively google Novara Big Buzz Bike. Oh, I’ll find one. MARK MY WORDS. When Pam the Cat got smashed by a car, I looked to Craigslist for another kitten to fill the cat-hole-sized space in my heart — enter: Tib.
Different than being raised from the dead (a la Lazarus
or Gage from Pet Semetary – a book I didn’t whip across the room in the middle of the night, circa 1988. Just kidding, I did whip it across the room, circa 1988.) Thanks to Craigslist, bikes and cats can be replaced!
Stay tuned!
Your Wish is My Command (Fancy-Pants New England Rep)
published by Fran SheaI don’t always (usually) (ever?) do what I’m told but when our New England rep said she wanted MORE BIRTHDAY CARDS and less Freaktastic,
I said, FINE. After crying myself to sleep, I woke up and made this: