Cary Grant’s Tie, A Pile of Rocks, Dandelions
published by Fran SheaCary Grant’s tie is the perfect shade of gray.
It’s not like I’m obsessed with shades of gray because of this project I’m working on. I don’t get obsessed. I wasn’t obsessed with pulling out (and counting) all of the dandelions in my front yard (689). I wasn’t. I also wasn’t obsessed with collecting and transporting rocks halfway across the country to surround my little tree.
I’m not obsessed with letterpress.
And I don’t just sit around waiting for the sun to be in the perfect spot.
Doesn’t this gray look just like Cary Grant’s tie? :
WELL?! It does, doesn’t it. Won’t it look lovely decking the halls of Room and Board?
1/3 of the project done.