Posters & Prints
Holiday Cards
The A.V. Room
Disc Packaging
  • Diaper Dash 2010

    A run/walk around Lake Harriet to benefit the South Side Life Care Center.

  • First Communion Invitation

    Hand set type, 4 bar size (3.5″x4″)

  • Whirligig Business Card

    The business card of every man’s dreams.

  • Madge Celebrates Everything

    Posters were given out to every guest that stumbled through the gate.

  • Zeichen Press logo & Business cards


  • Colored acetate + laser = JSTK Biz cards

    Colored acetate met a laser beam and grown men cried. For JSTK.

  • Blueprint for a Holiday Card

    It’s a recipe card and a blueprint for a gingerbread house. And Tanek’sholiday card. White ink? We’ll do whatever we want. Gosh.

  • Sweet Silhouette

    George and Eddie’s profile photographs were magically transformed into this magical card.

  • Tanek Turns Ten

    We invited ourselves to this party.

  • Touchpoint : Holiday

    The Touchpoint Retail Service Station. Of course.